Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Silly Kid Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Required materials and tools :
1. Hook that matches your inc .
2. story YarnArt JEANS any selected you colors . I have No. 87 main and No. 70 for nose and needles .
3. Filler .
4. Eyes on safe 10 mm mount , or incisive , or adhesive ( beads , half-beads – on your choice ).
5. White felt circles diameter 15 mm For proteins .
6. Needle For incision parts , scissors , pins , marker a thread . Strong a thread For drawstrings 7. I used Yarnart Jeans For pants No. 82; For rdecashki : 29, 11, 90, 35 8. İnto magic ring quality additional accessories , you can take ready glasses 57-60 mm width .
Conditional designations :
magic ring – ring amigurumi
sc – column without yarn over
dc – column with one yarn over
ch – air a loop
p – loop inceprevious row
inc – inc bonus
dec – decavka
slst – connecting column
( …)* X – repeat X times indicated in brackets
Number after sign = means final
quantity loops in a row
Upper paws
1st row : 5 sc into magic ring
2nd row : 5 inc = 10
Rows 3-12 : = 10 sc
in row 13 change inc. on color sleeves
Rows 13-16 : = 10 sc
Stuff only lower Part . Fold half-and-half and inc knit 5 sc behind both walls A thread secure and trim .
Paws we will tie in .

We dial 5 ch , with second from hook loops we knit :
1st row : inc , 2 sc , 4 sc in 1 loop , 2 sc , inc = 12
Row 2 : 2 inc , 2 sc , 4 inc , 2 sc , 2 inc = 20
3-4 rows : 20 sc
5 row : 10 dec
A thread secure and trim .
Spout we will get involved

1 rows : 6 sc into magic ring
2 rows : 6 inc = 12
3 rows : (1 sc, inc)*6 = 18
4 rows : (2 sc, inc)*6 = 24
5 rows : (3 sc, inc)*6 = 30
6 row : (4 sc , inc )* 6 = 36
7 row : (5 sc , inc )* 6 = 42
8 row : (6 sc , inc )* 6 = 48
9 row : (7 sc , inc )* 6 = 54
10 row : (8 sc , inc ) * 6 = 60
Rows 11-12 : 60 sc
Row 13 : (9 sc , inc )* 6 = 66
Rows 14-18 : 66 sc
In the next a number of we will knit cheeks
And get involved nose .

Row 19 : 19 sc , (1 sc , inc )* 6, 5 sc with 5 loops nose , ( inc , 1 sc )*6, 18 sc = 78
20 row : 37 sc , 5 sc By remaining loops nose , 36 sc = 78
Spout slightly stuff .
Rows 21-30 : 78 sc
If You use eyes on safe fastening , then install their on this stage . How This do , see addition , after main text-sta . In that master class I will use adhesive eyes .
31 row : (11 sc , dec )* 6 = 72
32 row : (7 sc , dec )* 8 = 64
33 row : (6 sc , dec )* 8 = 56
34 row : (5 sc , dec )* 8 = 48
35 row : (4 sc , dec )* 8 = 40
Row 36 : (3 sc , dec )* 8 = 32
Row 37 : (2 sc , dec )* 8 = 24
head stuffing tight but without unnecessary diligence
Please note that will drawstrings A thread secure and inc. inside .
Lower paws
1st row : 6 sc into magic ring
2nd row : 6 inc = 12
Row 3 : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18
4-5 rows : 18 sc
Row 6 : 3 sc , 6 dec , 3 sc = 12
change inc. on color panties :
Row 7 : 12 sc
next row knitting behind rear half loops :
8 row : 12 sc
Row 9 : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18
Row 10 : 18 sc
Row 11 : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24
Row 12 : 24 sc

On first leg knitting inc additional 6 sc , thread fasten and cut . Counting down back 12 sc , set marker . This place connections with second leg .
By second leg also , inco we knit 6 sc , thread Not cut .
Stuffing corpuscle tightly , in incocencelste knitting
Knitting chain from 3 v/p, connect second paw with the first one , in the marked previously loop
1st row : 24 sc By first leg , 3 sc By chain from ch , 24 sc in second leg , 3 sc By chain from ch .
Final quantity loops in a row = 54
We put marker a thread .
Row 2 : (8 sc , inc )* 6 = 60
3rd row : 60 sc
Row 4 : (9 sc , inc )* 6 = 66
Rows 5-11 : 66 sc
12th row : (9 sc , dec )* 6 = 60
13th row : 60 sc
14th row : (8 sc , dec )* 6 = 54
15th row : 54 sc
16 row : (7 sc , dec )* 6 = 48
row 17 we will to knit porridge . Stripes alternate every 2 rows :
Row 17 : 48 sc behind rear half loops = 48
Row 18 : (6 sc , dec )* 6 = 42
change color
Row 19 : 42 sc
Row 20 : (5 sc , dec )* 6 = 36
change color
Row 21 : 36 sc
Row 22 : (4 sc , dec )* 6 = 30
change color
23 row : 30 sc
In row 24 we will get involved upper paws Stuff it main Part corpuscles enough tight but Not before end . Leave about 1 cm to insi elms –

vaniya paws to you was comfortable , and filler Not hit between columns Oincedivide places getting involved strictly By sides : 5 sc together with the paws , between them 10 sc each .
Taking into account my I have displacements happened So :
24 row : 6 sc , 5 sc with foot , 10 sc , 5 sc together with foot , 4 sc = 30
change color
25 row : 30 sc
Row 26 : (3 sc , dec )* 6 = 24
V next a number of change inc. on color body :
27 row : 24 sc
Please contact me if required more some columns ( I have it turned out 1 sc and slst in the next loop ) and fasten a thread behind By center spin-ki . Leave about 50 cm For incision heads . Remove marker a thread . Tight stuff detail before end .
On this stage we’ll tie it in columns without yarn over panties .
Pants legs we tie it By remaining outside half loops of row 8 , holding toy legs towards you .
Top panties we tie it By remaining outside half loops of the 17th row , holding toy legs from myself .
İncishte head Inci incision , not forget it hit in the neck filler For facilities Can fix head and body knitting needle
Tightening we form regardless from besides , we put We eyes or They will adhesive Into magic ring quality incimera , given scheme drawstrings bear cub .
Let’s form mouth and eyes chadins tightening Note with pins on 6 points on the muzzle .
Let’s separate middle muzzles . This comfortable do , inclos thread , knitting needle or igloo down from center nose We put marks between rows 29 and 30 . Between pins 2-3 sc .
Between rows 18 and 19 celebrate 4 more points from external and internal corners eye . From internal corners This beginning and the end tied up spout Between internal and external dots 2-3 sc .

Enter needle to point 1, leave end threads about 25-30 cm , output at point 2. Further to point 3, output at point 6.
Let’s incite thread to she turned out to be under eye and felt circle , pull , tie for 2 nodes . Not pruning thread , insert at point 6, output at point 5, then to point 4, output at point 1. Tighten , tie on a couple nodes inc threads inside heads . Last knot and places input and output threads Can carefully lubricate universal inctransparent glue I ‘m having a moment Crystal .”
By this same incidentally we do drawstrings under adhesive eyes .
1st row : 6 sc into magic ring
2nd row : 6 inc = 12
Row 3 : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18
A thread fasten , leave about 45-50 cm For incision , trimming .

We’re stitching it up ears
Ears fold in half , make 1-2 stitches at the base and incise for 21 rows ( from crowns ).
Between ears 42 sc ( we consider on row 21 ). To details incishit symmetrically , orient yourself on center spout
A thread fix , inc. inside heads .

Lower where
We leave line segment threads about 30 cm , dial into magic ring 6 sc , tighten .
We leave line segment about 40-45 cm , cut a thread .
We have it worked out detail , close By shape to a semi-circle . Let’s measure detail , fasten on spread out 2-3 rows down from drawstrings mouth Middle where we fix A little below edges Inci incision , tension threads must be moderate Not tighten strongly . Average a thread we bring it to the back of the head ( into magic ring) and back through any neighboring column I threw small stitch from center rings through row inside heads . Can repeat more once . Stitch we do tight , but Not we tighten . A thread in other words inside heads several confusing stitches

Second segment threads fix both the edges where . Stitches we do up and back . We take you to the place getting involved nose ( between 18 and 19 rows ). Thanks to to the ducks , they there will invisible
Glue it on eyes
Let’s glue it eyes first to the felt ones circles , and then already to the muzzle .
I used universal inctransparent glue ” Moment ” crystal .”

Wig Option 1 ( from YarnArt JEANS)
All wig knitting behind rear walls loops
1st row : 6 sc into magic ring
2nd row : 6 inc = 12
3 row : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18
4 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24
5 row : (3 sc , inc )* 6 = 30
6 row : (4 sc , inc )* 6 = 36
7 row : (5 sc , inc )* 6 = 42
Row 8 : (6 sc , inc )* 6 = 48
Row 9 : (7 sc , inc )* 6 = 54
Row 10 : (8 sc , inc )* 6 = 60
Rows 11-12 : 60 sc
Measure it the resulting “ cap ” on toy She must reach before ears Inci necessity Can tie ( or Not tie ) necessary quantity rows A thread Not cut , incontinue . Rotate wig internal partly to yourself . We will knit in reverse side of the ” needle “. Needles we form from chains ch . Chains we catch behind remaining outside half loops slst . Length make chains ( of each “ needle ”) By to his wish . Fine will look from 10 to 15 ch . I have it’s 12 ch . If are you planning put on Then on hedgehog Panama hat , knit needle chains Briefly speaking .

We dial 12 ch , fasten our “ pin ” in the next half loop slst . For next needles , next half loop we do slst , again dialing chain from 12 ch and again we fix her next half loop So knitting Bye Not we’ll get there before center To crown looked more careful , a little latest chains of needles on crown Can do for 2-3 loops Briefly speaking .

Wig Option 2 ( from YarnArt SAMBA)
All wig knitting with ticks
1st row : 6 sc into magic ring
2nd row : 6 inc = 12
Row 3 : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18
4 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24
5 row : (3 sc , inc )* 6 = 30
6 row : (4 sc , inc )* 6 = 36
7 row : (5 sc , inc )* 6 = 42
8 row : (6 sc , inc )* 6 = 48
Further we will to knit without incibavok . Measure wig in incocleste knitting , aboutincedilating height forehead By to his taste . Wig must get before ears If yours density will go away from mine then yours it will work out 6 more rows . If this will a lot of or not enough – not tie it up or knit inc necessary quantity rows
Rows 9-14 : 48 sc

Put it on wig on head toys , fix pins and incise .
Hedgehog ready !
Installation peephole on safe fastening
Description and photos taken from master class ” Monya ” Insyanikov .”
Eyes install between rows 17 and 18 . Between in some places installations 6-8 sc . Center eyes relatively nose
Let’s take circles from felt Carefully so that Not left jams , warehouses in half and do it small cuts , shifting A little from center to edge .
Rotate circles and make perpendicular cuts ( eventually it turns out criss-cross ).
We insert into them eyes and fix them in the canvas .
Later , after execution tension , felt Can carefully fix glue

For I used Vasilisa inc. YarnArt JEANS. For body no. 83, for nose 65, for tuffe-lek , skirts and hats 81, for stripes on hat 84. Body : YarnArt Jeans Splash No. 943
Wig from YarnArt SAMBA No. 99.
1. Transition colors For shoes in row 7 . Row 8 we knit ordinary way , for both walls loops
2. Change color legs on color bodysuit insi connection legs , starting from the neck from ch .
3. Row 13th body knitting behind rear walls half- loop
4. Skirt we knit , introducing hook behind remaining walls half-loop 13 rows bodies , columns with one Yarn over :
1st row : 2 dc into magic ring waiting half loop = 120
2nd row : 2 dc into magic ring waiting half loop = 240
3rd row : 240 dc
1st row : 6 sc into magic ring
2 row : 6 inc = 12
3rd row : ( inc , 1 sc )* 6 = 18
4 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24
5 row : ( inc , 3 sc )* 6 = 30
6 row : (2 sc , inc , 2 sc )* 6 = 36
Row 7 : (4 sc , inc , 1 sc )* 6 = 42
Row 8 : 42 sc behind rear semi-loop ( or concave in columns without yarn over )
Rows 9-10 : 42 sc
change color
Rows 11-12 : 42 sc
change color
Row 13 : 42 sc
we knit the next one ( row 14 ) behind front half loops :
Row 14 : (6 sc , inc )* 6 = 48
Further ordinary way :
Row 15 : ( inc , 7 sc )* 6 = 54
Row 16 : (2 sc , inc , 6 sc )* 6 = 60
17th row : 60 loops crustaceans step
Commit hat on head Can ribbons , decorative ( including including tied ) with laces , elastic , etc. Can decorate flowers , beads , tie or sheathe fields lace
I sincerely I hope that You got pleasure and from incocesslsta and from the result !