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Amigurumi Cliff Boy Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Cliff Boy Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;


Alize cotton Gold No. 493 ( hair ) Alize cotton Gold No. 382 ( skin )

Alize cotton Gold No29( trousers and jacket ) Alize cotton Gold No21( T-shirt ) YarnArt jeans No28 ( boots and headset )

Eyes on safe 10mm mount

Hook No.1.75 ( if yours mating Very

dense, then For clothes take

hook by 0.25 mm more )




Plastic For insole

Conditional designations

MAGİC RING- ring amigurumi

ch – air loop

sbn -column without yarn over

slst – conn . column

inc -incibaİnto magic ring

dec -decаİnto magic ring

p – loop

ch p-air . loop rise

DC double crochet​

ZZSP- for rear wall loops

ZPSP- for front wall loops

PSN – half double crochet

İncPSN-incibaİnto magic ring from PSN

(..)* 6 – quantity repetitions

(12) – quantity loops at the end row


1)8sc in KA (8)

2)8inc (16)

3)(1 sc , inc )* 8 (24)

4)(3 sc, inc )*6 (30)

5)(2sc, inc , 2 sc)* 6 (36)

6)(5sc, inc )* 6 (42)

7)(3sc, inc , 3sc )* 6 (48)

8)(7 sc, inc )*6 (54)

9-17) 54sc (9 rows )

18) 16 sc, (1 sc, inc )*3.10 sc, ( inc , 1 sc )*3.16 sc (60)

19-24) 60sc (6 rows )

Insert eyes between 16 and 17

in rows . Between eyes 12


25)(4 sc,dec , 4sc)*6 (54)

26)(7 sc,dec )*6 (48)

27)(3 sc,dec , 3sc)*6 (42)

28)(5 sc,dec )*6 (36)

Tight stuff head​

29)18 y6 (18)

30)(1 sc,dec )*6 (12), slst .

Embroider spout​ Do

drawstrings eyes and mouth . Embroider eyebrows , whites eyes , eyelashes and smile .


2 parts

Not tightening , dial 6sc in KA. Leave thread , for incision . İncishit ears between

16-19 rows .


All knitting elongated loops By spirals​

1) 6sbn in KA (6)

2) binc (12)

3)(1 sc,inc )*6 (18)

4)1 sc , inc , 1 sc )* 6 (24)

5)(3sc, inc )* 6 (30)

6)(2 sc, inc , 2 sc)* 6 (36)

7)(5 sc , inc )* 6 (42)

8)(3 sc, inc , 3 sc)* 6 (48)

9)(7sc, inc )* 6 (54)

10) 54sc, slst ( İnctimete wig​ If He

too small then tie it up more a couple rows ). Leave

thread For incision . İncishit wig to the head .

Hands 2 details .

Let’s get started knitting thread

main colors​

1)6sc in KA (6)

2)6inc (12)

3-4) 12sc (2 rows )

5) 1 sc , cone , 10 sc (12)

6)12sc (12)

7)(2 sc,dec )*3 (9)

8-9) 9sc (2 rows )

10)8 sbn, inc (10)

11-13) 10sc (3 rows )

14)9 sbn, inc (11)

15-18) 11 sc (4 rows )

19) Зdec , 1 sbn , 3 inc , 1 sbn (11)

20) 3inc, 1 sbn , 3dec, 1 sbn (11)

21)10sc, inc (12)

22)12sc (12)

23) inc, 11 sc (13)

24-25) 13sc (2 rows )

26) (14)

Change thread on gray​

27-30) 14sc (4 rows )

Fold detail halve and incoknit for both walls​


2 parts

Let’s get started knit black inc . Dial chain from 6 ch, from 2 loops from hook we knit :

1)4sc, 3sc in 1 p, 3sc, inc (12)

2) inc , 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, 2inc (18)

3) 1 sbn , inc , 3 sbn, (1 sbn, inc )*3.3 sbn, (1 sbn , inc )*2 (24)

4) 2 sbn , inc , 3 sbn, (2 sbn, inc ) * 3.3 sbn, (2 sbn, inc) * 2 (30)

5) 3sbn, inc , 3sbn, (3 sbn, inc )*3.3sbn, (3sbn, inc)*2 (36)

 Cut insoles By contour details .

6) 33SP 36sc (36)

7-9) 36sc (3 rows )

10)6sc, (2 sc , dec )* 6.6sc (30)

11)6sc, (1 sc,dec )*6,6sc (24)

12) 6sbn, bdec , 6sbn (18)

Change thread on main​ black Not cut , leave

before work .

13)33SP (4 sc,dec )*3 (15)

14-16) 15 sc (3 rows )

17)(4sc, inc )* 3 (18)

18-25) 18sc (8 rows )

Change thread on green​

26)18sc (18)

27)33SP 10sc, 3inc,5sc (21) Follow for so that​ inc were over toes​ This imitation


28)21 sc (21)

29) 10 sbn, 3dec , 5 sbn (18)

Make sure that decaps were over insibaİnto magic ringmi .

30-31)18sc (18)

32)(5 sc, inc )*3 (21)

33-34) 21 sc (2 rows )

35)(6 sc, inc )*3 (24)

36)24sc (24)

37)(7sc, inc )* 3 (27)

38)27 sc (27), slst . Return to 27

row , inciconnect thread

( photo 15)

1-2) 18sc (2 rows )

3)(5sc, inc )* 3 (21)

4-8) 21 sc (5 rows )

9)(6sc, inc )* 3 (24)

10-18) 24sc (9 rows ), slst . Thread

hide .

Return to abandoned

black threads and tie

boot sc By circle​

Second leg knit

similar , but in row 38 thread

Not tear off and tie in another 13sc.


From second legs dial Зch , connect to the first


1) 27sc across first leg , 3sbn, 27sbn second leg,Zinc (63)

2)(20 sc, inc )*3 (66)

3-13) 66sc (11 rows ) Change thread on gray​

14) 33SP (9 sc, dec )*6 (60)

15-17) 60sc (3 rows )

18)(4 sc,dec , 4sc)*6 (54)

19-22) 54sc (4 rows )

23)(7 sc,dec )*6 (48)

24-27) 48sc (4 rows )

28)(3sc, dec , 3sc )* 6 (42)

29-31) 42sc (3 rows )

32)(5 sc,dec )*6 (36)

33)7sbn, 7sbn s

handle , 11 sc , 7 sc with handle


34)(2 sc,dec , 2sc)*6 (30)

35)(3 sc,dec )*6 (24) Change thread on main

36)33SP (1 sbn, dec , 1sbn)*6 (18)

37)(1 sc,dec )*6 (12)

38-39) 12sc (2 rows ), slst .

Leave thread For incision . İncishit head​


Jacket knitting thread green colors​ Knitting rotary if​ Not indicated other ​At the beginning everyone

row 2ch lifting .

1) Dial chain from 22 ch, starting from 3 loops from hook knit : 2 hdc, 3 hdc in 1, 3 hdc, 3 hdc in 1,

6 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.3 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.2 hdc (28)

2) 3 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.5 hdc , 3 hdc in 1.8 hdc, 3 hdc in 1, 5 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.3 hdc (36)

3) 4 hdc, 3 hdc in 1, 7 hdc , 3 hdc in 1.10 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.7 hdc , 3 hdc in 1.4 hdc (44)

4) 5 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.9 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.12 hdc , 3 hdc in 1.9 hdc, 3 hdc in 1.5 hdc (52)

5) 7 hdc , 11 ch ( inc omit 11 loops ), 16 hdc, 11 ch ( inc omit 11 loops ), 7 hdc (52)

6-8) 52 hdc (3 rows )

9) 12 hdc, incdc , 26 hdc, incdc , 12 hdc (54) 10)( 4 hdc, incdc , 4 hdc)*6 (60)

11-15) 60 hdc (5 rows )

16)1 chп , tie sc jacket By circle​ Slst , thread hide .

İnc and connect thread in row 5 to the chain from ch in 6 loop ( by middle ( photo 25) Knitting By circle​

1) 2 chп , 5 hdc , 2 hdc ( side

cut ), 11 psn , 2 psn ( side

slice ), 5psn, slst (26)

2) 2 chp , decpsn , 21 psn , decpsn , slst


3) 2chp, 24psn, slst (24)

4) 2 chp , decpsn , 19psn, decpsn , slst


5)2chп,21 псн, slst (21)

6)2chп,decпсн, 17 псн, decпсн, slst


7)2 chп, decпсн, 15 псн,decпсн, slst


8)2chп,decпсн, 13псн, decпсн, slst


9)2 chп, decпсн, 11 псн,decпсн, slst (14)

10) 2 chp , 13dc, slst (14) 11) chp , 13sc, slst (14) measure sleeve , inci necessity knit inc more a couple rows​ Thread hide . Second sleeve

tie similarly .


1)10psn in KA (10)

2)10incpsn (20)

3)(1 hdc , inc hdc )* 10 (30)

4)(1 hdc , incdc , 1 hdc )* 10 (40)

5)(3hdc, inc hdc )* 10 (50)

6)(2 hdc, incdc , 2 hdc)* 10 (60)

7-9) 60 hdc (3 rows )

10)(11 hdc , inc hdc )* 5 (65)

11)65psn (65)

12)(6 hdc, incdc , 6 hdc)* 5 (70)

13-14) 70 hdc (2 rows )

Let’s get started rotary

knitting :

15)7 hdc,dec hdc (8)

16) 2 chp, decpsn , 4 hdcs, dec hdcs (6)

17-18) 6 hdc (2 rows)

19) 2 chп , decпсн , 2дпсн, decпсн (4)

20)2decpsn (2)

21-22) 2 hdc (2 rows )

Count down right 34p and

repeat rows from 15-

21. Tie all headset

crustaceans step .

Part A 2 pieces

1) dial chain from 5ch starting from 2 loops from hooks , knit: inc , 2sc, 4sc in 1p, 2sc, inc (12)

2) 2inc, 2sc, 4inc, 2sc, 2inc (20)

3)(3 sc, inc )*5 (25)

4)(2sc, inc , 2 sc)* 5 (30)

5-7) 30sc (3 rows ), slst . Leave thread For

inc sewing . İncishit details ( photo 32) Stuff


Part B 2


Rotary knitting ​At the beginning everyone row 1 chп . Dial chain from 17 ch , from 2 loops from hook , knit :

1)16sc (16)

2-6) 16sc (5 rows )

7) Not unfolding detail , tie By circle sc , inc tying in corners 2sc each (46)

8) 33SP 46sc (46), slst . Leave thread For incision . İncishit details . ( photo 34) Stuff filler

Part of 2 pieces

Rotary knitting​

1) Dial chain from 27 ch starting​ from 2 loops from hook knit 26sc

2)chn, 26sbn

3- 4) Not unfolding detail , tie By circle (2 rows )

5) 33SP circle , slst . Leave thread For incision . İncishit details . ( photo 36)

Try incise arc . Stuff filler​

Detail D

2 pieces

Rotary knitting​

1) Dial chain from 30ch starting from 2 loops from hook knit 29sc

2-3 ) ch p , 29 sc

4-6) Not unfolding detail , tie By circle (3 rows )

7) 33SP circle , slst . Leave thread For incision . İncishit details .( photo 38) Stuff filler​

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